I am trying to enable the out of box PhishTank Threat Intelligence in ES. The file downloads correctly but it doesn't write to any KV store collection. From my understanding, it should write to one of the *_intel KV stores. What else do I need to configure?
Thanks jawaharas,
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Text version of Parsing options:
Parsing Options-
Demiliting regular expression: ,
Extracting reguarl expression:
Fields: url:$2,description:"Target: $8 (xref: $3)"
Ignoring regular expression: (^#|^\s*$)
Skip header lines: 1
Intelligence file encoding:
Can you upvote and accept the answer if it's helped you? Thanks.
Thanks for your help. That worked
Parsing options for 'phishtank' intelligence downloads:
Can you accept the answer if it's helped you? Thanks.
Thanks for your reply. I see the file being downloaded daily to$SPLUNK_BASE/etc/apps/SA-ThreatIntelligence/local/data/threat_intel/phishtank.csv, however the "threat_group_intel" lookup is empty. Could this be a parsing issue? What should the settings be for Parsing Options under Data Inputs>Intelligence Downloads>phishtank?
The 'phishttank' intel data is collected in 'threat_group_intel' kvstore collection.
You can verify the audit events to ensure the threat intelligences are collected by navigating to: Audit -> Threat Intelligence Audit in the ESS app menu.
Also, can you see data in '$SPLUNK_BASE/etc/apps/SA-ThreatIntelligence/local/data/threat_intel/phishtank.csv' file?