I am able to send data to Phantom and create containers with valid Artifacts but I want to enrich the artifact itself with secondary Splunk searches running from phantom itself using a playbook.
I am also able to create the playbook that runs a search based on artifact fields as variables, but it adds the output to the Splunk Widget.
What I would rather have the original artifact be updated with new fields based on the data that comes back from the "Run Search" action.
Has anyone tried this?
I would even meet half way and say its fine that it makes a whole new artifact with the new data but I would prefer just an update.
Still stuck at running a search based on artifact fields as variables. Can you give any hint for that? Thank you.
Hard to say since I'm not sure exactly where you are stuck. Normally I would use a 'format' block to create the search and use the GUI to pick which artifacts I want and put them in the search logic, then I would call the Splunk App Run Query option and just use the formatted_data.
If you are still having issues I would start a new forum question with more details.
This Custom Function example can be used to have a new Artifact created in the current container with the event data returned from a Splunk query executed in a previous playbook block:
def add_notable_event_Artifact(action=None, success=None, container=None, results=None, handle=None, filtered_artifacts=None, filtered_results=None):
phantom.debug('add_notable_event_Artifact() called')
results_data_1 = phantom.collect2(container=container, datapath=['run_Notable_query:action_result.data'], action_results=results)
results_item_1_0 = [item[0] for item in results_data_1]
add_notable_event_Artifact__notable_artifact = None
## Custom Code Start
# Write your custom code here...
notable_artifact_json = results_item_1_0[0][0]
# phantom.debug(notable_artifact_json)
# Find and replace any JSON Keys which have a "." or "::" in them to have an underscore
for k, v in notable_artifact_json.iteritems():
if "." in k or "::" in k or "(" in k or ")" in k:
new_key = k.replace('.', '_').replace('::', '_').replace('(', '_').replace(')', '_')
notable_artifact_json[new_key] = notable_artifact_json.pop(k)
# Add "Notable Event Artifact" to Phantom Event
success, message, artifact_id = phantom.add_artifact(container=container['id'],
name="Notable Event Artifact",
# phantom.debug(success)
# phantom.debug(message)
# phantom.debug(artifact_id)
## Custom Code End
phantom.save_run_data(key='add_notable_event_Artifact:notable_artifact', value=json.dumps(add_notable_event_Artifact__notable_artifact))
Thank you,
I will give this a go.
Hi Jamolson - We just released a new version of the Phantom app that includes an 'update artifact' command. Version: 2.1.21. Have a look if this'll meet your needs, please.
Awesome, I will check this out. Sounds exactly what I was looking for.