Struggling to get the percentage to work properly...
I have 3 fields; Open, Closed and New.
I want to report on the percentage of events which have a status of either Closed or Open.
Trying to play with the following but cant get it working;
| eval actioned=if(in(status_group,"Open", "Closed"),"true","false")
| stats count by actioned
| eventstats sum(count) as total
| eval percent= round ( count*100/total,1)
| gauge percent 0 40 60 100
| fillnull value=0
Any ideas? Thanks.
You could do something like the below, as you are interested in Open/Closed only
| eval percent= round ( if(actioned="true",count*100/total,0),1) | search percent > 0
| gauge percent 0 40 60 100
| fillnull value=0