I’d like to configure a wildcard usage for a lookup table, but unfortunately I’m not a Splunk guru and probably need a hand.
I have a lookup called "malware_domain_whitelist" with the URLs I’d like to whitelist for the standard Enterprise Security correlation search “Threat Activity Detected”. The lookup looks like this:
url | whitelisted
url1.com | true
url2.org | true
url3.net | true
I would like to use wildcard with ‘url’ column in order to add to the correlation search lines like:
| lookup malware_domain_whitelist url OUTPUT whitelisted
| search NOT whitelisted=”true”
I have two questions please:
First: if I understood correctly, I have to modify the transform.conf. But should I modify transform.conf on $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/default/ or should I create a copy on $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/?
Second: I’m not exactly sure about the modification I should write. Could you please correct the mistakes:
Filename= malware_domain_whitelist.csv
match_type = WILDCARD(url)
Is there is something else I should do?
Thanks for the help!
The lookup definition contains "Filename" which is invalid, it should be all in lower case.
You should modify the transforms.conf inside etc\apps\app_name, not of the system local or default.
The lookup definition contains "Filename" which is invalid, it should be all in lower case.
You should modify the transforms.conf inside etc\apps\app_name, not of the system local or default.
Thanks for the help.