hi All,
When am trying to take kvstore backup in Security Search Head as part of upgrade process am getting below error.
./splunk backup kvstore
[appuser@XYZSPKTEST01 bin]$ ./splunk backup kvstore
Command error: 'backup' is not a valid command. Please run 'splunk help' to see the valid commands.
For taking KVSTORE backup for ITSI we are using below command.
/app/splunk/bin/splunk cmd python /app/splunk/etc/apps/SA-ITOA/bin/kvstore_to_json.py -s 8089 -u admin -p changeme -m 1 -f kvstore_bkp_5_11 -n -b "2.6.1"
Can someone help me how to take backup for Enterprise Security App.
Go here, and select the version of splunk that you have:
Then follow the directions.