Hi team,
We are in Enterprise Security
I cleared one of the default Glass Table by mistake. Is there a way to restore this glass table.
I understand this "ES Deployment Template" is an out-of-the-box glass table. Could I restore the glass table by copyoing the configuration files from other Enterprise Security instance?
If yes, and what files/folder should I copy from?
Hi Season!
When you say you "cleared" the glasstable, is it safe to assume that this was done using the "clear" action available when editing a glasstable? Or was the glasstable removed/deleted from the system?
There is a way to restore the glasstable but it unfortunately can only be done if you have disk access to the system. If you do have disk access to the system, following the steps below should fix the issue.
These steps will walk you through the removal of the "ess_content_importer" metadata file. This file tracks which apps have had glass table content imported and which have not. Deleting it will force all content to be reimported for all installed apps. That said, the importer will NOT overwrite any existing content, so modifications to existing glass tables will remain unchanged.
Note that this resolution is only needed for the out-of-the-box glass tables because they were shipped within the SplunkEnterpriseSecuritySuite app, which cannot be disabled and re-enabled. To reimport content for any other other apps, you can follow the steps outlined in the documentation linked below.
Hope this helps! Let me know if it doesn't.
Kindest Regards,
Hi Season!
When you say you "cleared" the glasstable, is it safe to assume that this was done using the "clear" action available when editing a glasstable? Or was the glasstable removed/deleted from the system?
There is a way to restore the glasstable but it unfortunately can only be done if you have disk access to the system. If you do have disk access to the system, following the steps below should fix the issue.
These steps will walk you through the removal of the "ess_content_importer" metadata file. This file tracks which apps have had glass table content imported and which have not. Deleting it will force all content to be reimported for all installed apps. That said, the importer will NOT overwrite any existing content, so modifications to existing glass tables will remain unchanged.
Note that this resolution is only needed for the out-of-the-box glass tables because they were shipped within the SplunkEnterpriseSecuritySuite app, which cannot be disabled and re-enabled. To reimport content for any other other apps, you can follow the steps outlined in the documentation linked below.
Hope this helps! Let me know if it doesn't.
Kindest Regards,