I've configured my own asset list, and now I want to stop asset information from the "demo assets" lookup from showing up in Dashboards, searches, etc. I've disabled the asset in the ES configuration, but it hasn't had any effect. How can I get rid of this junk data?
I aggree with rynoconnor's second answer.
The asset and identities are in a lookup file. Whatever new lookups are added as identity or asset, ES will merged data into the existing lookup file rather than overwriting.
For this purpose, if you want to remove demo assets, you should empty asset_lookup_by_str.csv and asset_lookup_by_cidr.csv files. These files can be found in SA-IdentityManagement/lookups folder.
I know in version 4.1.0 assets get merged into two files. You can search both of those using the following:
|inputlookup append=T asset_lookup_by_str | inputlookup append=t asset_lookup_by_cidr_raw
This will confirm if your demo assets are still in the merged file. I would recommend backing up the file first, but you could empty this file and it would rebuild upon next merge.
I know a similar set of files (possibly the same ones) exists in earlier versions of ES.
So this worked, but now my own asset lists aren't merging back in - the files are just empty. I've tried to force the merge:
$SPLUNK_HOME/bin/splunk cmd splunkd print-modinput-config identity_manager | $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/python $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/SA-IdentityManagement/bin/identity_manager.py --username=admin
Still when I search for assets, it now returns 0 results. Am I missing a step?
Do you have empty file ? Keep the files with header lines.
The file still has the headers:
Have you tried disabling the demo assets and waiting for the merge process to run?
Yes, as mentioned I've disabled the demo assets. I've also forced the merge, and nothing has happened.
What version of ES are you running?