Hello, we gave one of our metadata file from one of the search head to the saml team and And our identitiy provider is Azure AD. Can you let me know the steps to be followed in detail by them and us we are having trouble configuring the SAML authentication.
so i have gone through that document in that step 1 2 3 should be doing it from our side or done by the SAML team ? And if its from our side what and how should we generate a private and public key and is it self signed or intermediate/rootCA how do we know ? Also they SAML team was mentioning that the
ID : servername.2.3175F2E8-B095-4E40-B7CD-C3EACE0EA378 is something like this they were mentioning that ID shouldnt be having all that except the server name.
Also step 8
Can you let me know these things in detail ?