Hi team!
It's my very first time here and I need a bit of help!
I want to make a graph with multiple lanes.
I have this right now. 1 graph per data. I want to fusion them but I don't know how.
Graph 1.
index=xxx_paloalto sourcetype="pan:threat" type=threat threat_name="SCAN: TCP Port Scan(8001)"
(src_zone!="Inet-WAN1" AND src_zone!="Inet-WAN2")
(dest_zone!="Inet-WAN1" AND dest_zone!="Inet-WAN2")
src_ip != xxx
| stats by src_ip, dest_ip, _time
| bin _time span=1d
| stats count by _time
Graph 2
index=xxx_paloalto sourcetype="pan:threat" type=threat threat_name="SCAN: Host Sweep(8002)"
(src_zone!="Inet-WAN1" AND src_zone!="Inet-WAN2")
(dest_zone!="Inet-WAN1" AND dest_zone!="Inet-WAN2")
src_ip != xxx
| stats by src_ip, dest_ip, _time
| bin _time span=1d
| stats count by _time
Give this a try. I am assuming you want a line for each combination of src_ip, dest_ip, and threat_name based on your search above. By the way, you are missing a function in your stats command. Something like count, avg, min, max, etc... Either way, I created a field that concatenates the src_ip, dest_ip, and threat_name so you can get a line for each in a line graph for example. I hope this helps.
index=xxx_paloalto sourcetype="pan:threat" type=threat (threat_name="SCAN: TCP Port Scan(8001)” OR threat_name=“SCAN: Host Sweep(8002)”)
(src_zone!="Inet-WAN1" AND src_zone!="Inet-WAN2")
(dest_zone!="Inet-WAN1" AND dest_zone!="Inet-WAN2")
src_ip != xxx
| eval byfield=src_ip . "," . dest_ip . "," . threat_name
| bin _time span=1d
| chart count over _time by byfield