Does Splunk ESS include, out of the box - functionalities that do not require any additional installation, correlation rules and alert for malware (worm, virus, ecc...) activities?
Thanks in advance,
We have several OOTB correlation searches that leverage data provided by your Antivirus/Malware solutions.
Endpoint - Host With Multiple Infections - Rule
Endpoint - Old Malware Infection - Rule
Endpoint - High Number of Hosts With Infection - Rule
Endpoint - High Number Of Infected Hosts - Rule
Endpoint - High Or Critical Priority Host With Malware - Rule
Endpoint - Recurring Malware Infection - Rule
Endpoint - Outbreak Observed - Rule
We also have a number of OOTB correlation searches that discover activity indicative of malware, but leverage other data sets such as Firewall/Proxy.
If you need a comprehensive list of correlation searches and descriptions, please contact Splunk Sales.