Splunk Enterprise Security

A threat intelligence download has failed...status="threat list download failed after multiple retries". How can I resolve this?


Started getting the following alert after installing ES in our environment.

A threat intelligence download has failed. stanza="iblocklist_rapidshare" host="jsspl9.domain.net" status="threat list download failed after multiple retries"

After some research and investigating the search that produces the alert (which is the following):

index=internal sourcetype=threatintel:download file="threatlist.py:download*" NOT (status="*starting" OR status="retrying download" OR status="threat list downloaded" OR status="Retrieved document from TAXII feed" OR status="Retrieved documents from TAXII feed") | stats latest(status) as status, latest(_time) as _time by stanza, host, url

The time frame for which the alert is set to is "All Time". Which means that if there was a failed download attempt of a threat feed X amount of time ago and then a successful download of the same threat feed happened between the time of the failed attempt and now, the failed attempt would still be alerted on based on how the above search is constructed. The alert will only stop being generated only when the event has been purged from "_internal". Does anybody know if this was the intent?

0 Karma
1 Solution

Path Finder

This is a known issue for the version 4.7.0 of ES app. The issue is now fixed in 4.7.2 and higher
As a workaround, you can edit :
/opt/splunk/etc/apps/DA-ESS-ThreatIntelligence/bin/configuration_checks/confcheck_failed_threat_download.py as below


 job = splunk.search.dispatch(search_string, sessionKey=session_key, earliest=earliest)


 job = splunk.search.dispatch(search_string, sessionKey=session_key, earliest_time=earliest)

The difference on that last line is the earliest_time= setting....once I did that the warnings went away.

Let me know how it goes.

View solution in original post

Path Finder

I just upgraded to ES 5.0.0 and right after I upgraded and restarted Splunk I started getting similar error: "Health Check: Intelligence download of "iblocklist_logmein" has failed on host......... threat list download failed after multiple retries". I am getting an alert for multiples things, not just iblocklist. I cleared the alerts but they keep coming back. How can I resolve being that I am using a newer version which has the known issue resolved?

0 Karma

Path Finder

This is a known issue for the version 4.7.0 of ES app. The issue is now fixed in 4.7.2 and higher
As a workaround, you can edit :
/opt/splunk/etc/apps/DA-ESS-ThreatIntelligence/bin/configuration_checks/confcheck_failed_threat_download.py as below


 job = splunk.search.dispatch(search_string, sessionKey=session_key, earliest=earliest)


 job = splunk.search.dispatch(search_string, sessionKey=session_key, earliest_time=earliest)

The difference on that last line is the earliest_time= setting....once I did that the warnings went away.

Let me know how it goes.


That did it after a restart.

Thanks risgupta!

0 Karma

Path Finder

Always welcome !!

0 Karma

Loves-to-Learn Lots

Error message pop-up each and every day with new event any solution for this.

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