I have a field that does not return results when searching for specific string.
i need to combine two searches so i will be able to return this field + other results from the search with the specific string
this is my query :
sourcetype=clientlogs OR sourcetype="client-logs-api"
| stats count(eval( Message="Unable to load " OR Message="Unable to load from SDK")) as Faliure, values(Message) as Message values(IPAddress) as IPAddress, values(Url) as url by Country SessionGuid
| appendpipe
[ stats sum(Faliure) as Faliure
| fillnull value=0 Faliure
| eval Country="TOTAL" ]
| appendpipe
[ stats count(SessionGuid) as FailedSessions
| eval Country="TOTAL",Faliure="Faliure"]
| table SessionGuid IPAddress Country Faliure Message FailedSessions url
| sort - Faliure
i need to add the field CID which return no results when searching for the message at the beginning of the query
how can i join them together so i will see in the table also the values of CID ?
I am not sure I understand the requirement - do you want a list of CID where Categories != "Login" or a list of CID where message = "Unable to load " OR message = "Unable to load from SDK" or a list of CID where message != "Unable to load " AND message != "Unable to load from SDK" or something else?
I want list of CID's when
sourcetype=clientlogs OR sourcetype="client-logs-api"
and add it to the table
| append [search sourcetype=clientlogs OR sourcetype="client-logs-api"
| stats values(CID) as CID]
CID still empty
So CID doesn't exist in these sourcetypes?
If it does, how would you list them?
It does.
if im searching only for those sourcetyps i can find CID
but when i append this search with the rest it returns empty