Has anyone actually tried the CORS in splunk?
I configured the following in server.conf, but I can't get the splunkjs to access splunk instance on a different machine than a web2py server. Is there anything that I need to change on client/javascript side?
crossOriginSharingPolicy = *
Is there any chance you could give the path of such a certificate?
Hi, it turns out the problem is with self-signed server certificate for splunkd. If you manually import the certificate into firefox and it should work. Note this only works with firefox, for chrome, the certificate has to match the server name, and so even if you import it into chrome, it still might not work.
I, too, am having trouble with CORS in Splunk. I set
crossOriginSharingPolicy = *
in system/local/server.conf but my browser's(firefox) javascript console pops an error "Cross-Origin Request Blocked: blah blah" when doing an AJAX post