I have scanned two Splunk packages which is less than 2mb using Splunk AppInspect CLI but when I try to scan another Splunk package i.e more than 100mb size .It went like an hour then gave me a message like this
LEVEL="CRITICAL" TIME="**********" NAME="root" FILENAME="main.py" MODULE="main" MESSAGE="An unexpected error occurred during the run-time of Splunk App Inspect".
is there any size criteria for the Splunk AppInspect CLI that should be followed?
Hey @mini
There is no such limit seen in docs for Enterprise, for cloud its upto 128 MB so should be close to that. Comparing with your 2 MB it's quite minimal in size. I guess there could be other reasons, have you tried enabling verbose or some level of logging at python i know it's out-of-the box to find more details.
Reach out to Splunk support if this is a persistent issue. Hope this helps!
@mini CLI reference link having --log-level setting enable to DEBUG to find more details . Splunk AppInspect CLI reference | API Reference | Splunk Developer Program
Hey @mini
There is no such limit seen in docs for Enterprise, for cloud its upto 128 MB so should be close to that. Comparing with your 2 MB it's quite minimal in size. I guess there could be other reasons, have you tried enabling verbose or some level of logging at python i know it's out-of-the box to find more details.
Reach out to Splunk support if this is a persistent issue. Hope this helps!
Hai @venkatasri
Thank you for the help .I tried log level ,It came after skipping almost half of the checks .