In the deployment manual, it mention that to edit the above files to configure the lookups. However, I cant find the file.
Actually, I cant find the %SPLUNK_HOME%\etc\apps\Splunk_for_Exchange\local\ mentioned in the manual.
Where can I find those? All of the users are @unknown now =/
The local directory does not exist by default. Just create it and place the two files according to the documentation in that directory.
I have the same issue, the local directory does not exist only appserver, bin, default, lookups and metadata folder
Yeah, I did install, but the local directory does not exist.
All I have is appserver, bin, default, lookups and metadata folder.
Have you actually installed the Splunk for Exchange App? If so, that directory should be on your main indexer or search head--browse to whatever directory you installed Splunk in, then go to the subdirectory etc\apps\Splunk_for_Exchange\local.