Splunk Dev

Why does slim validate complain about undefined setting python.version even though it is valid?



I am trying to use the slim utility for validating and packaging my app. When running slim validate, it complains about undefined setting python.version in alert_actions.conf even though it is clearly documented:


Did I miss something?


slim validate: Validating app at "<My App name>"...
slim validate: [WARNING] /path/to/<My App name>/default/alert_actions.conf, line 2: Undefined setting in stanza [default]: python.version



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I am still experiencing this same issue, does anyone have any ideas for this? I think we may be able to do something with in the `README/input.conf.spec`? But any guidance would be much appreciated

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Hey there!

There's no official solution right now, probably the best course of action for now is to follow the recommendation of updating the spec files within the slim installation path. This is a currently known issue but there's no ETA on a fix.

Hope this helps.

0 Karma


Hey, I was actually able to fix it by adding the following lines to the `Splunk_TA_my_addon/README/input.conf.spec`. Then I stopped getting that warning from slim.


# ... my other values
start_by_shell = <bool>
python.version = <string>
interval = <integer>




No, you didn't miss anything.

The splunk-packaging-toolkit (slim), splunk-appinspect, and the Splunk Python SDK are not perfectly aligned yet.

If you want slim to work better, you could update the files in ./venv/Lib/site-packages/slim/config/conf-specs/*.conf.spec to what you find in your target Splunk version's config files. If you don't have a Splunk installation, replace commands.conf.spec and others with a current version from Splunk docs (https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/Latest/Admin/Commandsconf#commands.conf.spec). 

Some of the other issues I've seen:

  • Options must be provided before the command documented slim options may not exist (e.g. --quiet)
  • Python SDK doesn't pass splunk-appinspect 
  • splunk-appinspect and slim raise conflicting errors
  • no slim option to set the location of inspect.yml
  • no option to return a non-zero code if any validations fail in splunk-appinspect or slim 

I'd recommend packaging the app with slim and using splunk-appinspect  to validate, rather than using the validation in slim.


Just to add to the list of issues:

Slim and AppInspect cannot even be installed in the same venv because the former depends on future>=0.18.2 while the latter depends on future==0.17.1


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