Morning everyone,
Came in to work today and seeing this error. Anyone familiar with it? What's the impact and fix? Stock install of Splunk with no custom certs.
03-16-2020 03:01:55.285 -0700 ERROR ExecProcessor - message from "/opt/splunk/bin/python2.7 /opt/splunk/etc/apps/splunk_instrumentation/bin/" HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /1.0/e1345286/81416994-c2ef-5c6f-a3de-68fb09953b0d/100/0?hash=none (Caused by SSLError(SSLError(1, u'[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:742)'),))
where you able to fix?
I am having the same issue. To add some more info, if I log onto the system and run python 3 (system version not splunk) the script works fine. When I try with using Splunk I get ssl errors. Here is a cut from the error output:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/splunk/lib/python3.7/site-packages/urllib3/util/", line 322, in ssl_wrap_socket
context.load_verify_locations(ca_certs, ca_cert_dir)
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Hello @joele23
this is actually other issue, so it's better to create a new question
Hi @daniel333,
is this still open? According to SSLlabs the cert is OK