I have a test environment on my laptop. I get the following error:
Unknown search command 'mycommand'.
Details are:
- Using Splunk Enterprise 8.0.1 on macOS running Mojave
- Created a new app called python_sdk_app and revised permissions to “All apps”
- Installed Splunk SDK 1.6.11 in bin folder of the app using ‘pip install -t . splunk-sdk’
- Created commands.conf inside the default directory of the app (also tried the local directory)
- Restarted splunk
commands.conf file:
package locations:
$ python -m site
sys.path = [
environment variables:
My commands.conf file was not in the correct format (i.e. hidden characters). Once that issue was resolved, the mycommand.py file could not be found so I removed the filename=mycommand.py from the commands.conf file and everything worked. This was my first question to the forum - unsure how to close it. I see no option for rescinding the question.