I have a customer modular input built with JavaScript SDK. I am trying to set and retrieve a password that is entered on creation of the input. I am looking for assistance on how this endpoint works and where it should reside within the code.
In "validateInput"
var obj = {
username: username,
password: password
// Create a new storage password
sp.create(obj, function(err, storagePassword) {
if (err) { /* handle error */ }
else {
// Storage password was created successfully
In "streamEvents"
sp.fetch(function(err, storagePasswords) {
if (err)
{ /* handle error */ }
else {
Logger.log("Found " + storagePasswords.list().length + " storage passwords");
//get the pwd value somehow?
list = storagePasswords.list()
for(var i = 0; i<list.length; i++){
if(username == list[i].username){
pwd == list[i].content.clear_password
This doesn't seem to set or retrieve so I am clearly doing something wrong.
Thanks in advance.