Is it possible to define a setup screen to capture credentials and other important information and have this setup screen available within the application like a separate navigation tab ? . I need this because I want to allow the user to be able easily to customize what the app is polling .
Hi there,
I just wanted to bring your attention to the setup view solution that is available for developer guidance here.
Developer Guidance - Setup View Example For Splunk
The source code can be found here
The code here can essentially be re-used by others looking to accomplish the same functionality.
To achieve the solution you're looking for, all you have to do is make a setup view, then add a link to the setup view in your default/data/ui/nav/
xml file, and it should allow you to redirect the user to the setup page every time.
Yes, you can setup a screen to just that. It is called setup.xml. Please see the docs for more information: http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.0/AdvancedDev/SetupApp
Interesting, I will explore this option.
You can access the setup screen at any time. In your navigation for the app, (http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.0/AdvancedDev/BuildNavigation
) add in a link for the setup screen (https://HOSTNAME/en-US/manager/search/apps/local/APPNAME/setup?action=edit
I meant something like that, but that is not showed only once when the app is first opened. Instead it is available within the app at any time the user desires ti reconfigure some params