Splunk Dev

How to use REST API and get auth via Okta app ?

New Member

Hi all,

I am trying to find a way to use Rest API like search endpoint for splunk but my problem is my company use Okta application to login to splunk. So I can't have username or password for splunk so is there any ways to bypass this auth ?

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Hello @RayJacobs 

you have to two options:

1. Create and use a local user

2. Create and use an authentication token (preferred solution)


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New Member

Hi @PaulPanther ,
1. How can I do this ? 
2. The page does not exist 



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Oh, yes the link is broken.

Regarding the local user check out Create and manage users with Splunk Web - Splunk Documentation but as I already mentioned you should prefer that way Create authentication tokens - Splunk Documentation

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