Stage(Field name) |
Capa |
Capa_india |
north_Capa |
checkcapaend |
net_east |
southNETregion |
showmeNET |
us_net |
From the field Stage, if the value contains capa 0r Capa I need to color the bar chart as Blue. Otherwise need to show the bar chart color as Orange.
Thanks in advance.
check this post might be of help.
Thanks a lot for your reply.
The solution that you suggested is for numeric values. But we are working on String values.
<option name="charting.fieldColors">{"%capa%": 0xFF0000, "elevated": 0xFF9900, "low":0x008000}</option>
Is it possible to add wildcards like in the above XML code. If not kindly suggest an alternative approach.
The word "Capa" can occur in any part of the value and in some cases it may not occur too. So, we need a dynamic approach to color a bar of the bar chart.
|eval stage= "Capa Capa_india north_Capa checkcapaend NET net_east"
|makemv stage
|mvexpand stage
|eval stage=lower(stage)
|fields - _time
|eval stagename = if(match(stage,"capa"),1,2)
|chart count by stage stagename
try that if that helps..
Thanks for the reply. We have already 3 fields in the chart command. Not able to add the 4th one in the command.
Also, kindly suggest if there is a way to include wildcards in charting.fieldColors, charting.seriesColors or in charting.annotation.categoryColors. This will be very helpful in my case.
you can do that in statistical table easy.