I am trying to add a Python script as a Splunk custom command and I'm having trouble reading the data from Intersplunk and formatting it as a pandas dataframe. I have:
results = splunk.Intersplunk.readResults()
df = pandas.DataFrame(results)
ip_list = df['ip'].tolist()
So I'm converting the list of dictionaries returned by readResults()
to a pandas DF and then extracting what would be the csv "ip" column as a list. But I am getting an error on that last code line.
I have also tried df = pandas.DataFrame.from_records(results)
and ip_list = df['ip'].values.tolist()
, but it's not working.
I'd appreciate any help.
You better to use service jobs as following:
def execute_query(searchquery_normal,
kwargs_normalsearch={"exec_mode": "normal"},
kwargs_options={"output_mode": "csv", "count": 1000000}):
# Execute Search
job = service.jobs.create(searchquery_normal, **kwargs_normalsearch)
# A normal search returns the job's SID right away, so we need to poll for completion
while True:
while not job.is_ready():
stats = {"isDone": job["isDone"], "doneProgress": float(job["doneProgress"])*100,
"scanCount": int(job["scanCount"]), "eventCount": int(job["eventCount"]),
"resultCount": int(job["resultCount"])}
status = ("\r%(doneProgress)03.1f%% %(scanCount)d scanned "
"%(eventCount)d matched %(resultCount)d results") % stats
sys.stdout.write(status + '\n')
if stats["isDone"] == "1":
# Get the results and display them
csv_results = job.results(**kwargs_options).read()
for row in csv_results:
if row[0] not in (None, ""):
df = pd.read_csv(StringIO.StringIO(csv_results), encoding='utf8', sep=',', low_memory=False)
df.to_csv(filename_new, sep=',', encoding='utf-8')
you can find whole project from following:
Some more info will help - What error are you getting? What does your 'ip' field look like?
umm and also, why are you converting it to a DF just to go back to a list right away?