python script like this for convers form decimal to ip
ipint = int(<input from splunk search>)
for i in range(4):
ip1 = ""
for j in range(8):
# print ipint % 2
ip1=str(ipint % 2)+ip1
ipint = ipint >> 1
# print ip1
print ip1
ip = str(int(ip1,2)) + "." + ip
print ip.strip(".")
if i want to create command for use with splunk search!! What splunk module or method i need to use for python script.
The macro answer shown first is good, but is prone to errors. Change the definition to first ensure your temp value is a number and then uses floor() instead of round() to calculate the dotted decimal values. Use of round() in the original solution will produce negative octet values in some cases. Use of floor() imitates integer division, e.g. int(); alas a function several other community answers confirm is not available in Splunk, much to our lament:
definition = eval $long$temp=tonumber($long$) | eval $ip$0=floor($long$temp/16777216) | eval $long$temp=$long$temp-($ip$0*16777216) | eval $ip$1=floor($long$temp/65536) | eval $long$temp=$long$temp-($ip$1*65536) | eval $ip$2=floor($long$temp/256) | eval $ip$3=$long$temp-($ip$2*256) | strcat $ip$0 "." $ip$1 "." $ip$2 "." $ip$3 $ip$ | fields - $ip$0,$ip$1,$ip$2,$ip$3,$long$temp
Amendment to my suggestion to protect against invalid values in large data sets causing "..." to come out of the macro. Adding a validation rule to the macro might be smarter, but more complex when you don't understand them.
eval $long$temp=tonumber($long$) | eval $ip$0=floor($long$temp/16777216) | eval $long$temp=$long$temp-($ip$0*16777216) | eval $ip$1=floor($long$temp/65536) | eval $long$temp=$long$temp-($ip$1*65536) | eval $ip$2=floor($long$temp/256) | eval $ip$3=$long$temp-($ip$2*256) | strcat $ip$0 "." $ip$1 "." $ip$2 "." $ip$3 $ip$ | eval $ip$=if($ip$="...","",$ip$) | fields - $ip$0,$ip$1,$ip$2,$ip$3,$long$temp
Here is the script we use (this can be configured to run automatically via props.conf as well):
###### ######
Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Splunk Inc. All Rights Reserved.
import csv
import re
import sys
from ipMath import LongToIP, IPToLong
# set the maximum allowable CSV field size
# The default of the csv module is 128KB; upping to 10MB. See SPL-12117 for
# the background on issues surrounding field sizes.
# (this method is new in python 2.5)
if __name__ == '__main__':
ipRex = re.compile('^(([0-1]\d{0,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]|\d{0,2})\.){3}([0-1]\d{0,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]|\d{0,2})$')
## Retrieve input
inputResults = csv.reader(sys.stdin, lineterminator='\n')
header =
## Initialize output handlers
csv.writer(sys.stdout, lineterminator='\n').writerow(header)
output = csv.DictWriter(sys.stdout, header, lineterminator='\n', restval='')
longKey = header.index('long')
ipKey = header.index('ip')
for inputResult in inputResults:
## Initialize and populate output lists/dictionary
outputResult = {}
if len(inputResult[longKey]) > 0:
outputResult['long'] = inputResult[longKey]
longVal = long(inputResult[longKey])
if longVal >= 0 and longVal <= 4294967295:
outputResult['ip'] = LongToIP(longVal)
## The reverse lookup
outputResult['ip'] = inputResult[ipKey]
if ipRex.match(inputResult[ipKey]):
outputResult['long'] = IPToLong(inputResult[ipKey])
###### ######
Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Splunk Inc. All Rights Reserved.
import heapq
import re
def LongToIP(value):
'''Convert long to dotted ip address.'''
if isinstance(value, int):
value = long(value)
if isinstance(value, long):
return '%d.%d.%d.%d' % ((value >> 24) % 256, (value >> 16) % 256, (value >> 😎 % 256, value % 256)
return None
### Conversion functions.
### Note that conversions should perform validation and return None
### in the event of failure.
def IPToLong(value):
'''Convert dotted ip address to long.'''
if is_valid_ip(value):
ip = map(long, value.split('.'))
return 16777216 * ip[0] + 65536 * ip[1] + 256 * ip[2] + ip[3]
return None
###### transforms.conf ######
external_cmd =
external_type = python
fields_list = ip,long
This can be used to go from both ip->long and long->ip. For example:
LOOKUP-convert_ip_to_long = ip2long long as src_long OUTPUT ip as src_ip
LOOKUP-convert_long_to_ip = ip2long ip as src_ip OUTPUT long as src_long
This definition can also be used in "| lookup" in the search language as well
hazekamp shows using an external script named long2ip. Hazekamp, would you mind sharing the contents of so I can learn from it?
In trying and failing to reproduce by example, this is what I have done:
I installed iptools and created a py file as simple as possible trying to follow the most simple examples that came with splunk. returns the expected result at the command line if I comment out the splunk specific lines:
but when running from within splunk
index="passivecidr" decip="*"|fields + decip|long2ip
I get error code 1, instead of what I would expect, a for every search result. is located in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/search/bin dir and this is v5.0.1
In $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/search/local/commands.conf
filename =
streaming = true
retainsevents = true
overrides_timeorder = false
# Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Splunk Inc. All Rights Reserved. Version 4.0
import sys,splunk.Intersplunk
import iptools
results,dummyresults,settings = splunk.Intersplunk.getOrganizedResults()
newresults = []
newresults = iptools.long2ip(2130706433)
import traceback
stack = traceback.format_exc()
results = splunk.Intersplunk.generateErrorResults("Error : Traceback: " + str(stack))
Great....too many ideas, thanks and thanks everyone for good answer.
Here's an example script I write to do a reverse DNS lookup for an IP, it adds a new field dns_name. You can refactor it with your code.
search > * | long2ip field=ip
import splunk.Intersplunk
import sys
import socket
def resolve(ip):
name = 'unresolved'
name = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip)[0]
return name
# get the field
field = None
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
for a in sys.argv:
if a.startswith("field="):
where = a.find('=')
field = a[where+1:len(a)].strip()
if not field:
results = splunk.Intersplunk.generateErrorResults("no field specified")
results,unused1,unused2 = splunk.Intersplunk.getOrganizedResults()
for result in results:
result['dns_name'] = resolve(result[field])
except Exception, e:
results = splunk.Intersplunk.generateErrorResults(str(e))
Splunk allows the creation of custom search commands.
Alternatively, you can do this using the existing Splunk search language to solve this problem.
The below solution is intentionally verbose to show the different steps.
This example would take an ip_binary=11000000101010000000000000000001
and create an ip_decimal=
| eval ip_binary=substr(ip_binary,1,8) + "." + substr(ip_binary,9,8) + "." + substr(ip_binary,17,8) + "." + substr(ip_binary,25,8)
| makemv delim="." ip_binary
| eval ip_decimal=tostring(tonumber(mvindex(ip_binary,0),2)) + "." + tostring(tonumber(mvindex(ip_binary,1),2)) + "." + tostring(tonumber(mvindex(ip_binary,2),2)) + "." + tostring(tonumber(mvindex(ip_binary,3),2))
You could implement this using an external lookup or search command/script. I have provided links below which detail both methods along with sample search syntax.
Search w/ command: Search Scripts
<your search> | long2ip in=src_long out=src_ip
Search w/ lookup: External Lookups
<your search> | lookup long2ip src_long OUTPUT src_ip
This can also be implemented as a macro:
## macros.conf
args = long, ip
definition = eval $long$temp=$long$ | eval $ip$0=round($long$temp/16777216) | eval $long$temp=$long$temp-($ip$0*16777216) | eval $ip$1=round($long$temp/65536) | eval $long$temp=$long$temp-($ip$1*65536) | eval $ip$2=round($long$temp/256) | eval $ip$3=$long$temp-($ip$2*256) | strcat $ip$0 "." $ip$1 "." $ip$2 "." $ip$3 $ip$ | fields - $ip$0,$ip$1,$ip$2,$ip$3,$long$temp
iseval = 0
## Search
<your search> | `long2ip(src_long, src_ip)`