Splunk Ninjas,
It seems that I'm unable to remove "other" in my pie chart when I do this:
index=facebook sourcetype="facebook_stream_table" stream_attribution="*" | eval stream_attribution=if(stream_attribution=="", "None", stream_attribution) | chart count over stream_attribution useother=false
Also I'm seeing this message "The following options were specified but have no effect when a split-by clause is not provided:useother"
Then I tried
index=facebook sourcetype="facebook_stream_table" stream_attribution="*" | eval stream_attribution=if(stream_attribution=="", "None", stream_attribution) | chart count over stream_attribution limit=1000 useother=false
and I get this message "The following options were specified but have no effect when a split-by clause is not provided:limit, useother"
I'm unable to get any results when I drilldown with stream_attribution=other since there isn't such value in sourcetype=facebook_stream_table
I also took a look at this http://splunk-base.splunk.com/answers/30018/useotherf-in-a-pie-chart but it doesn't work.
Splunk version: 4.3.1, MacOSX
I edited the visualization to add this:
<option name="charting.chart.sliceCollapsingThreshold">0.01</option>
But i did so through the UI by clicking on the "paint brush" above the pie chart when in edit mode and setting the "minimum size" to 0%.
Doing that added the above to the dashboards xml.
This will work (adapting to your indices, fields, etc)
index=linuxfirewall IN=eth3 PROTO=TCP | top DPT | chart count by DPT
The top command limits what you get and drops the 'other' aggregation.
@Nicholas Key,
If you are using simple XML try removing the "useother" option and instead use
"sliceCollapsingThreshold" option
This helped me before, you can set it to zero, so it doesn't collapse the values into other.
OK cool, hopefully it works for you!
Thanks, Matt! I'll try this out and let you know how it turns out.
checking "..?showsource=1", the advanced XML looks like you should add...
<param name="suppressionList">
after the viewstate adapter, and
<param name="charting.chart.sliceCollapsingThreshold">0</param>
as a param of the chart.
thank you very much! that's what am looking for. BTW what the difference between