I am using Splunk sdk for Java to access splunk REST API endpoints. I am trying to call API as per below code:
Code Snippet:
Map connectArgs=new HashMap();
connectArgs.put("host", "splunk");
connectArgs.put("username", "username");
connectArgs.put("password", "pass");
connectArgs.put("port", "8089");
connectArgs.put("scheme", "https");
Service splunkService=Service.connect(connectArgs); //Line with exception
It gives ClassCastException at service call "Service splunkService=Service.connect(connectArgs); ". Please find below for exception log:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.base/java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.base/java.lang.Integer
at com.splunk.Service.
Is there any dependency needs to be added to avoid exception. Please let me know where is the issue.
I think port is Integer.
connectArgs.put("port", 8089);
Check below link for example.
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Does the issues resolved. If yes may i know how. Even i am facing the same issue.