Is there a way to get the list of VM's which is forwarding data to the Splunk ?
index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd host= group=per_host_thruput | fields series | stats values(series) as hosts
|metadata type=hosts|table host
this will list out NOT just the hosts sending data BUT also our own host details such as Search head, indexers, Heavy weight forwarders
If you need specifically UFs, then you could use below but the search will be slow.
index="_internal" source="*metrics.log*" group=tcpin_connections fwdType=uf |stats count by hostname|fields - count
how does these vms send data to splunk?
try this:
| tstats max(_time) as last_event where index=* by host
that will give you the last time (in epoch) a host (maybe a vm) reported to splunk