Splunk Dev

Error messages using Google Cloud Platform Add-on

New Member

I have configured the add-on for Google Cloud Platform and verified that pub/sub messages are being written to the pub/sub topic from GCP and that messages are successfully being pulled from the Splunk subscription. No GCP logs are appearing in Splunk. The error seems to be internal to Splunk. I have captured error messages from 2 different relevant logs below.

The following log messages are repeated in the /opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/splunk_ta_google_pubsub_util.log

2018-01-04 18:59:53,807 ERROR pid=470 tid=Thread-2 file=event_writer.py:write_events:268 | Failed to post events to HEC_URI=, error_code=400, reason={"text":"Invalid data format","code":6,"invalid-event-number":0}
2018-01-04 18:59:54,591 ERROR pid=470 tid=Thread-2 file=event_writer.py:write_events:268 | Failed to post events to HEC_URI=, error_code=400, reason={"text":"Invalid data format","code":6,"invalid-event-number":0}

The following log messages are repeated in the /opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/splunk_ta_google_pubsub_main.log

2018-01-04 19:59:23,387 ERROR pid=470 tid=Thread-2 file=google_pubsub_data_loader.py:index_data:70 | Failed to collect data for project=[MY_PROJECT]t, subscription=[MY_SUBSCRIPTION], error=Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/Splunk_TA_google-cloudplatform/bin/pubsub_mod/google_pubsub_data_loader.py", line 64, in index_data
File "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/Splunk_TA_google-cloudplatform/bin/pubsub_mod/google_pubsub_data_loader.py", line 86, in _do_safe_index
for msgs in sub.pull_messages():
File "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/Splunk_TA_google-cloudplatform/bin/google_wrapper/pubsub_wrapper.py", line 85, in pull_messages
for message in messages:
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

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This sounds similar to an issue experienced when attempting to use the add-on with version 7.x of Splunk. I don't see the version of Splunk you are using listed in your question..but if you are using a version newer then 6.5 (the last supported version listed on splunk base for this particular add-on), you might try the below fix.

If google_global_settings.conf does not already exist in the local directory, create the file, if not, add the below stanza to it, then restart your instance. The conf file path would be:


And the stanza:

 use_hec = 0
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