Hi Team,
We have a kvstore with about ~95 million events dating back to 3 years.
Key of the kvstore is unique numeric field. We also have timestamp among other fields.
We have requirement to only retain only 1 year worth of data.
I would like to know what would be the best way to get rid of old data.
Also is there a way to specify to drop any data which is older than 1 year going forward like index retention time.
We have clustered sh and indexer environment.
We are at Splunk version 6.11
Thank you!
Hi newbie2tech,
You need to create a mongo formatted query (since kvstore is a mongodb at its core, albeit a modified mongodb, so you can't just point a mongodb tool at it to manage it.)
Like so, if you have a query to look at your kvstore like so:
|inputlookup my_kv_store where LastUpdateTime<1551139200
in Mongodb query format that would look like so:
{"LastUpdateTime": {"$lt": 1551139200}}
Next, you need to take that and url encode it, using a tool like: http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/dencoder/ which turns this:
{"LastUpdateTime": {"$lt": 1551139200}}
Into this:
Lastly, run the following from a command line that supports curl, and can access your Splunk search head:
curl -k -u admin:changeme -X DELETE https://splunkhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/<appname_where_kvstore_is_defined>/storage/collections/dat...
Making sure you replace the and placeholders with the actual values relevant to your environment and pasting your mongo query after the query= point in the command.
Last point, measure twice, cut once.. Maybe create a test kvstore, put some dummy data in it and test this before you run it against your 3 years kvstore data and accidentally blow it all away. A backup of the kvstore might also be in order before this. (Call me paranoid).
Good luck.