sourcetype=xreGuide XRE-07*** IS_VISIBLE=true
| bucket _time span=10m
| stats dc(receiverId) as receiverIds by _time
| eval psev=case(receiverIds<=499, "4", receiverIds<=9999, "2", receiverIds>10000, "1")
| eventstats count as VIOLATIONS by psev
| eval severity=if(VIOLATIONS>1 AND psev=3, 3, 4)
| eventstats min(severity) as overallSeverity
| fields _time receiverIds overallSeverity
| rename overallSeverity as severitye
Kinda hard to guess what you want to achieve based on failed SPL attempts.
Can you describe your scenario in natural language?
Hi @mnair001c,
Thanks for providing an example of the work you tried. However, can you provide more context for your question? You have a much better chance of getting your question answered if you would provide more information.
I modified this query further
receiverId << this are unique identifier
What i am trying to do is only show result based on the violations > 1
If Violation > 1 and severity count is 4, 3, then the result should be sev-4
If Violation > 1 and severity count is 3, 3, then the result should be sev-3
If Violation > 1 and severity count is 2, 3, then the result should be sev-3
If Violation > 1 and severity count is 2, 2, then the result should be sev-2
If Violation > 1 and severity count is 2, 1, then the result should be sev-1
If Violation > 1 and severity count is 1, `, then the result should be sev-1
Below is hte modified query
sourcetype=Test Error Error IS_VISIBLE=true
| bucket _time span=10m
| stats dc(receiverId) as receiverIds by _time
| eval sev=case('receiverIds'>10000, "1", 'receiverIds'>2999 and 'receiverIds'<9999, "2", 'receiverIds'>500 and 'receiverIds'<=2999, "3", 'receiverIds'<499, "4")
| eventstats count as VIOLATIONS by sev
| fields _time receiverIds sev
I do not understand your Examples. The part that says is 4, 3,
makes no sense to me.
I didn't understand that part either. But can you give an example o a critical criteria?