Splunk Dev

AD monitoring

Loves-to-Learn Lots

I want to collect log from user AD. I have used eventcode 4720 and eventcode 4624. i wonder how to combine these two events together and get table like this: host, RecordNumber, user_id, signature, status, admin_id, src_ip, logonby, logon_time, Create_time, Logon_ID

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Hi SoknySplunk,
if you're already receiving logs from AD, try something like this

index=wineventlog sourcetype=WinEventLog:Security (EventCode=4720 OR EventCode=4624)
| table _time host RecordNumber user_id signature status admin_id src_ip logonby logon_time Create_time Logon_ID

verify if the field names are correct related to your logs.


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