one for the search query from splunk AWS
index="aws_cloud" | search eventname="value1" OR "value2" OR "value3"
The above search query is giving the events for the all the above searched one also giving one more value which didn't searched
eventName: LookupEvents ==> getting this field and value which didn't search
try this instead
index="aws_cloud" eventName IN ("value1", "value2", "value3")
I believe the format you posted is searching eventName="value1" OR any raw log containing the strings "value2" OR "value3" even if "value2" OR "value3" isn't the actual value of eventName for that particular event.
try this instead
index="aws_cloud" eventName IN ("value1", "value2", "value3")
I believe the format you posted is searching eventName="value1" OR any raw log containing the strings "value2" OR "value3" even if "value2" OR "value3" isn't the actual value of eventName for that particular event.