I am trying to fine tune one use case "Suspicious Event Log Service Behaviour". Below is the rule logic
(`wineventlog_security` EventCode=1100) | stats count min(_time) as firstTime max(_time) as lastTime by dest Message EventCode | `security_content_ctime(firstTime)` | `security_content_ctime(lastTime)` | `suspicious_event_log_service_behavior_filter` | collect index=asx sourcetype=asx marker="mitre_id=T1070.001, execution_type=adhoc, execution_time=1637664004.675815"
but the rule is currently too noisy. Is it possible to set a bin time(5mins) between stop logging and start logging events. After 5mins if the logging started then I want to ignore the alerts.
Or I have seen a field named dvc_priority, can we set the alerts only for high or critical?
Help me with the query please.
Hi there,
1. Implement a 5-Minute Bin Time:
search (wineventlog_security EventCode=1100) |
stats count min(_time) as firstTime max(_time) as lastTime by dest Message EventCode |
security_content_ctime(firstTime) |
security_content_ctime(lastTime) |
suspicious_event_log_service_behavior_filter |
bucket _time span=5m |
... (rest of your query)
... | stats count as event_count by _time dest Message EventCode | eval is_first_event = if(_time == earliest(_time), 1, 0) | eval is_noisy_event = if(event_count > 1 AND is_first_event == 0, 1, 0) | filter not is_noisy_event
2. Filter by dvc_priority:
... | where dvc_priority = "high" OR dvc_priority = "critical" | ... (rest of your query)
Additional Tips:
I'm here to assist further if you have any more questions or need additional guidance!
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