Splunk Cloud Platform

Capacity health check dashboard and query

Loves-to-Learn Lots

Hi All,

I wanted to capture both Windows and Unix servers CPU, Memory and Disk usage.  below are sample event.






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Hey @ShamGowda ,

What is the concern here? Have you got the data already in the respective index? Also, have you explored Splunkbase already? There are quite lots of apps that helps visualizing the memory and CPU usage.



Loves-to-Learn Lots

I am receiving the logs and required query to monitor top 10 highest use CPU, Memory, processor and Disk

0 Karma


These are some basic examples once you have ingested the data, the same principles apply to Windows metrics

Analyse the data, work out the fields that contain the data and work on SPL, until it gives you the results

This example shows how you can monitor linux metrics - change the threshold (| where cpu_load_percent >=1)

index=linux sourcetype=cpu
| fields _time, host, cpu_load_percent, 
| eval date_time =strftime(_time, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") 
| where cpu_load_percent >=1
| table date_time, host, cpu_load_percent
| dedup host

This example shows how you can memory percent % linux metrics - change the threshold (| where PercentMemory >=0)

index=linux sourcetype=ps 
| fields _time, host, PercentMemory 
| eval date_time =strftime(_time, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") 
| where PercentMemory >=0
| table date_time, host, PercentMemory
| dedup host

Do similar for Disk/processor etc

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