I've been using a free version of Splunk Cloud, creating dashboards over the past couple of days - it's been great. Last night when I tried to login using my password I got this message
For security reasons, your account has been locked out. Please try again later or contact your system administrator.
As far as I know, I am the administrator. I cannot find a way to change settings through the splunk.com account I used to login.
I just had this same issue. I tried a password reset, but got the same lockout message. I only need my cloud instance for one assignment in a class, so I am just using another email to start over. No idea what could have caused the lockout.
@marnallIs there any other way to unlock the account other than contacting Splunk support? Since I don't have a paid plan, I don't think I can access support directly. I still have my free trial period left and I'd like to test a few more features.
Yeah typically the way to resolve admin account lockouts is to log in with the CLI, but I don't think you have CLI access. Can you reach out to Splunk support?