I want to find the grade based on my Case condition but my query is not working as expected.
| eval Grade=case(Cumulative=1,"D", Cumulative>1 AND Cumulative<=1.3,"D+")]
Example: My Grade should be based on the avg(GPA) If Avg(GPA) is 1 Grade at the bottom (Avg Grade)should be D , If it is between 1-1.3 then it should be D+
Shouldn't your eval be something like this
| eval Grade=case(GPA=1,"D", GPA>1 AND GPA<=1.3,"D+")]
Shouldn't your eval be something like this
| eval Grade=case(GPA=1,"D", GPA>1 AND GPA<=1.3,"D+")]
I want display the Grade based on the avg GPA and the below condition is not giving the result
| eval Grade=case(GPA=1,"D", GPA>1 AND GPA<=1.3,"D+")]
Your value (3.17) isn't covered by any condition in your case function which is why you don't have a grade. What are the ranges for your grades?