I am having issues with action extraction on my windows addon . for example the eventcode 4624 should have an action value of success ,but nothing is being extracted and this eventcode constitutes majority of the data .the status is being extracted correctly as success.does anyone know how action is being extracted for this eventcode.
inputs are enabled for system,app,security logs ,its just action field is not being correctly extracted for event codes
Hi @Chiranjeev ,
what's the format of your logs?
it's the standard windows or a different one?
I experienced many issues using a concentrator for windows logs.
If the format is different, you shuld reparse them.
There is something wrong.
But seriously - you haven't shown us anything regarding your data and your configuration. You haven't told us what your architecture is and where this addon is installed.
My glass orb is undergoing annual maintenance...
we have a centralized collector via WEF for our windows logs where a uf with windows addon is sending logs to splunkcloud,where also we have a ta addon .
OK. Show us one of your 4624 events found in verbose mode (blur sensitive data if needed).
BTW, looking at my 4624 events I don't see anything that should yield action=success extraction.