How do I access "processing_time" from the data below. I want to get the average time. It is not listed as a field.
{"@type":"log:LogIncomingRequestEvent","level":"INFO","when":"2014-05-29 16:04:06,459","method":"LogFilter.logIncomingRequest#156","thread":"http-bio-8087-exec-4","init_tid":"b0507da3-6687-4028-8fe2-8c98c92b783d","request":{ "@type":"log:IncomingRequest", "client_ip":"","http_method":"POST","url":"/mms/v1/transfers","user_agent":"Apache-HttpClient/4.3.2 (java 1.5)","processing_time":137},"msg":"OK"}
Can you not set KV_MODE=JSON (your event looks like it is valid JSON) in props.conf for the sourcetype and let Splunk do the work for you?
props.conf docs
It is a valid json, validated from Once you import the data with KV_MODE=JSON, you should be able to see fields like 'request.processing_time' and then you can use 'stats' command to get the average.
Easiest way is to use the field extractor tool.
Generate a search that contains it then select the drop-down next to one of the presented records, and select "field extractor".