
Unable to Setup SAML with Custom IDP [Unsupported signature algorithm]

New Member

Hi all,

I am trying to set up SAML with my Custom IDP but Splunk is returning an Unsupported algorithm error even if the algorithm type is correct in the SAML response. Can you kindly help/guide me regarding how to troubleshoot this issue? I have attached my SAML response and SAML configuration settings in this Post.

Error from Splunk Cloud:


SAML configurations in Splunk Cloud





Saml response


8            <ns2:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/>
9            <ns2:SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/>
10            <ns2:Reference URI="#id-S7lv9JFItlthO8Lzr">
11                <ns2:Transforms>
12                    <ns2:Transform Algorithm=""/>
13                    <ns2:Transform Algorithm=""/>
14                </ns2:Transforms>
15                <ns2:DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>
16                <ns2:DigestValue>
17                    Kq/4Vh3rMrw0H/yFvAnmr0KH8qrAbqYrU+stI/WODZY=18                </ns2:DigestValue>
19            </ns2:Reference>
20        </ns2:SignedInfo>


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