I've successfully completed "Splunk certified user" exam and i received mail saying to download certification and badge.
But under "My Certification" the status is still showing "In Progress" and there is no certification and badge available to download.
Splunk Certified User 6.x Online Exam 0517 (SCU-TEST-6-X-0517)
Suraj Kumar Gupta
Exam Results - Pass
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I completed my exam but after clicking on end exam i was not able to know if i had passed or failed in the exam. As per the exam policy pdf i see that the candidate who attends Splunk core user certified will get the results pass or fail just after the exam is over. But i dint happen to get it. Any advise on this please ? will that be sent only as an email ? if so how long would it take to receive the test results.
IM facing the same issue, didn't get my final results...how long did it take for you to get the results?
Hi , How long after did you get the results ?
Hi, I just completed the certification, it is showing In-Progress, does it require time to update?
Hi ...I got mine on the same day..infact yesterday.check it in customer community portal.
Yep!!! Contacted certification@splunk.com but I am hardly getting any response from them. This is what forced me to post here.
Seems like a portal issue, the mail saying to download certification and badge from the customer support Portal.
Attached another snapshot for the reference.
If nobody from the certification team sees this, your best approach is to email certification@splunk.com and talk to them directly... probably same way you asked to begin your user certification as per https://www.splunk.com/view/SP-CAAAJEN