I've setup our SSO agent, but now I'm getting a "Failed to set cookie." error message on the login screen. From the searching I've done that appears to be LDAP related so I'm guessing it's because I don't have LDAP configured. So my question is, is it possible to configure SSO without LDAP so that it only tries to match the username to a user in the local Splunk database?
Hi timrcase,
some SplunkTrustee posted this blog http://blogs.splunk.com/2016/02/04/sso-without-an-active-directory-or-ldap-provider/ which explains how it can be done 😉
Hope this helps ...
cheers, MuS
If there is local user present in Splunk and HTTP header passed contains same user, splunk should log you in even with authType=Splunk.