Hi please help here
we are using below base search and we need to see all ssl certificates with days left in EST.
index=ssl_certs |rex field=_raw "[^'\n]*'expires=\"(?<expires>[^\\\'\"]+)"| stats c by host expires cert | eval time = strftime( strptime( expires , "%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z" ), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %Z")
need exact query for this we tried a lot actually. we are using ssl_checker app for this.
Based on your search response (which is not a raw data) this could helps you.
| rex "expires=\"(?<exp>[^\\\]+)\\\n"
| eval expTime = strptime(exp, "%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z"), curTime = now()
| eval leftTime = tostring(expTime - curTime, "duration")
| eval daysLeft = mvindex(split(leftTime, "+"), 0)
| table exp expTime curTime left daysLeft
There are other ways to do it.
r. Ismo
showing no results
Works with me with that app. Can you add that _raw data from your query so we can test it with your data?
index=ssl_certs sourcetype=ssl_certs
| head 10
| table _time _raw
Then add that output inside editors </> (code block) so that it will not changed when you are posting it.
Here is the sample events
This helps for me, from in this and expires is in GMT and the expTime is in EST guess so and we need all to know in EST only