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Spunk "Inheriter" here - getting conflicting opinions from hardware SAN storage vendor vs. Splunk.
Since the beginning, I've gone by the rule "RAID 5 + Splunk = slow performance"
With today's enterprise class SSD drives and SAN-level tiering, the h/w vendor states that RAID 5 works fine.
I even found a Splunk Live! presentation that says performance won't suffer.
Would love to get some real-world feedback!

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Ultra Champion

I can't give credit, because I cant remember who said it on Slack, but....

Even if your vendors SAN can provide infinite IOPS, it probably wont.

Take everything a vendor (and your storage team) tell you with a pinch of salt.
The story you will be told is the one from the glossy marketing sheet, however when it comes to you getting your slice of the pie, you're just another 'customer' on the SAN, and your needs have to be balanced with the other workloads on the storage system too.

Many people have had great success with new fast shared storage, but there is certainly a bigger number who have not.
My preference is indexers with dedicated local ssd, for hot/warm.

Shared storage has its place, for me, that is cold!

If my comment helps, please give it a thumbs up!
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