
Is there any way to limit list of users based on REST calls?

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looking for the best way to audit all users accessing REST endpoints

found a way to list users, but any way to limit this based on REST calls?

| rest /services/authentication/users splunk_server=*
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Your best bet is going to be the splunkd_access sourcetype.

index="_internal" sourcetype="splunkd_access" host="<<SPLUNKHOST>>"
| stats values(user) as user
| mvexpand user

That being said, if you're auditing a SH, you're going to see lots of traffic from splunkweb.

To address this you could filter out the Splunk user agent (the risk with this is that user-agents can be modified):  

index="_internal" sourcetype="splunkd_access" host="<<SPLUNKHOST>>"
| regex useragent!="Splunkd?\/[\d\.]+ \("
| stats values(user) as user
| mvexpand user


 Or filter out any localhost connections:

index="_internal" sourcetype="splunkd_access" host="<<SPLUNKHOST>>" clientip!=""
| stats values(user) as user
| mvexpand user​
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