Does anyone know how to delete an authorization token for no more exisiting account in Splunk?
We have tried it in Web, but Splunk "Could not get info for non-existent user"
We have tried it on servers, too:
For curl -k -u <username>:<password> -X DELETE https://<server>:<management_port>/services/authorization/tokens/<token_user> -d id=<token_id>
we get:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<msg type="ERROR">Could not find object id=xxxxx</msg>
Is there any dir or file where authentication tokens are saved on Search Heads?
We need to get rid of internal errors that we receive for this non-existent user, but without token removal it will not be possible
Many thanks in advance for help!
GUI didn't remove it? As I understand that pop up it still give you a possibility to remove token, even it cannot found user?
One option what you could try is just create a local Splunk user (exact same user id as earlier), then remove token and then remove user?
r. Ismo
GUI didn't remove it? As I understand that pop up it still give you a possibility to remove token, even it cannot found user?
One option what you could try is just create a local Splunk user (exact same user id as earlier), then remove token and then remove user?
r. Ismo
Hi @isoutamo,
It worked, thank you for your prompt reply!
Much appreciated