I havedeployed the Phantom OVA and setup IP and server names according to my environment. I go to https://[myphantomserver]
and get:
500: Server Error
Sorry, something went wrong with your request
the URL: https://[myphantomserver]/eula
Seems it cannot display the license page?
I am using a community license edition
Can anyone shed some light
I have set host names in '/etc/hosts' and /etc/'hostname' files
many thanks in advance
I'll add that I am running into this same issue. The vmdk is thick provisioned in my case. Installed the phantom-4.8.23319.ova & have not been able to get past the /eula screen.
Did you ever have luck solving this? I am on that version as well and having the same issue.
Please check if this KB article relates with your question: https://my.phantom.us/kb/40/
The above resolution is not applicable.
The error I get is below:
500: Server Error
Sorry, something went wrong with your request.
This is all i get, nothing else?
I have a watchdog error in var/log/messages , this was setup directly from the OVA image.
watchdog.cpp : 286 : Error updating node_usage table: Cannot insert or update without node
could this be a red herring?
I have a customer who met the same issue with you (using vCenter/ESXi) and here is what his comments and solution:
"Turns out, if I use Thin Provision on the 200GB secondary VMDK, it’ll have internal error.
I re-uploaded the OVA again w/o changing the VMDK format this time and can get to the init setup."