I'm wanting to add the short ID that one can generate for a notable in IR.
To the columns in Incident Review for our SOC to use.
However, I can't find the proper attribute name for this and it's not in the notable index, or in notable_xref_lookup or es_notable_events lookup.
Hoping someone can tell me what the correct "Short ID" attribute name is.
Also hoping someone can tell me how to force ES to create a Short ID for EVERY notable.
Thanks in Advance!
under incident review settings table attributes enter
notable_xref as the field and Short ID as the title
Also you should schedule a search to run every 5 minutes */5 * * * *
to automatically create the short id's, this is most helpful
| where isnull(notable_xref)
| eval notable_time=_time, xref_label="Short ID", xref_name="short_id", xref_id="V".substr(upper(md5(event_id)), 0, 5)
| table event_id, notable_time, xref_id, xref_label, xref_name
| outputlookup append=t notable_xref_lookup