
Can i restrict access to certain views ??



I need to restrict access to few dashboards to certain users in a single app. how can i do it ? can you please help with proper documentation..


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0 Karma


This is doable got to the Manager click on "User Interface" and the views in your app for every view you can set the permissions for the roles you have in Splunk. You can create your own roles and assign the users to those roles.

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There is some info here
But I think you should be fine be just copying the default user or power roles and assign the users accordingly


*** sry typo error ..couldn't see this workin

0 Karma


I tried this but could see this i missin something...the steps i have done ..
I have two users say user1 and user2 and default app for this two users is MYAPP ..
Now i have created two user roles say A and B for both roles A and B i have given the indexs that are available in MYAPP...After that i have added the role A to user1 and role B to user 2 ..

Now i am gone to MYAPP in that i have two views say view1 and view2 . . i want the view 1 to be accessed by user1 and view2 by user2 . So i have added role1 to view1 and role2 to view2 . but i didnt see this happening..plese help.

0 Karma


Here's how I do it:

-create 'roles' that will dictate what views a user can acces
-add users to the appropriate roles
-go to: http://path-to-your-splunk:8000/en-US/manager/my-app-name/data/ui/views
-you should see a list of views for 'my-app-name'
-in the middle of each row notice the link for permissions
-the permissions are based on roles
-fine your a view you want to set up access for and click it's permissions link
-provide access to any roles you want to allow to use that view

You'll obviously want to substitute 'path-to-your-splunk' and 'my-app-name' for whatever you have on your Splunk instance. I'm using Splunk 4.3

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