index=_audit user!="splunk-system-user" user!="n/a" user!="MYUSER" user!=testuser* (action="login attempt") OR (search!="" search_id!="'scheduler*" search_id!="scheduler*" search_id!="'subsearch*") | sort - _time | table user host action info search _time
Works well, but many times searches are similar across dashboards and I can't easily tell what dashboard my users are using. Is it possible to add dashboard_name to these alerts? I don't see it anywhere in the _raw for these events in _audit. Currently the only solution I can think of is to mod every back-end search (probably a hundred of them across all my dashboards) with the dashboard name so it can be rexed out... obviously that's an incredibly inelegant approach
for dashboard usage activity
Please use this search, the results also gives user name as well
in the above search "my_test" is dashboard's name which you see in URL when you open the dashboard.
GREAT. I modded it to make a bit more usable/readable, and added it to my _audit search, to make my overall user_activity alert be:
(index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd_ui_access uri_path="/en-US/app*") OR (index=_audit AND action="login attempt" OR (search!="" search_id!="'scheduler*" search_id!="scheduler*" search_id!="'subsearch*")) user!="splunk-system-user" user!="n/a" user!="ME" user!=testuser* | eval sortable_time=_time | eval time=strftime(sortable_time,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") |
streamstats count as temp_count | stats values(*) as * by temp_count | fields - temp_count | table time user action info search clientip uri_path file earliest latest form_* | fields - _raw form_message_id form_remote_search_tok