I would like to restrict some indexes from certain role. I can modify the srchFiler in authorize.conf to exclude 1 index but can't see to get it to work for multiple indexes.
srchFilter="index!=abc" works
srchFilter="index!=abc;index!=def" does not work.
Our users have access to all indexes (over 100). We only want to exclude some of the indexes.
Any help would be appreciated.
You can use filters like this (no need for semicolon separated values)
srchFilter = NOT (index=abc OR index=xyz)
Could provide the DEBUG message from the Search Inspector ?
Also, since you're changing the conf file, you're doing refresh/restart of splunk after change right?
I tried this but it didn't seem to take effect. I could still search index=xyz.
srchFilter = NOT (index=abc OR index=xyz)
srchIndexesAllowed = ;_
srchIndexesDefault = *